Archiving of Exempt Studies in OSIRIS


Effective May 30, 2020, all remaining exempt projects in OSIRIS will be archived

Why is this action being taken?

HRPO’s electronic platform, PittPRO, will soon be integrating with other University platforms. Because OSIRIS is outdated, it cannot integrate and at some point in the future, will no longer be supported.

What if I am still working on this project? 

Projects determined by the IRB to be exempt can continue indefinitely even if archived unless you need to make changes (see question below). However, once it is archived, you will no longer have access to the submission. If you intend to continue, you must save a copy of the application, including your approval letter and any attached documents:
•   Open the project in OSIRIS
•   Click the “Reviewer Version” to open it
•   Right click to choose either “save as” or print to PDF
•   Download a copy of the approval letter and any attached documents

What if I need to make changes on this project in the future? 

You must create a new submission in PittPRO in order to make changes. This is particularly important if new funding is received. Please note that due to the changes in the Federal regulations (effective January 21, 2019), any new submission will have to be reviewed under the updated rules.


What if I want to proactively move my exempt project into PittPRO?

If you want to be proactive and move your exempt project into PittPRO, it will be review as a NEW protocol rather than a transition from OSIRIS.  Because it is not considered to be a transition, Study Scope #10 should be marked as “no”
If you submit into PittPRO, the project will be reviewed under the new exempt provisions of the regulations and may not be able to continue as originally approved.

What if I am submitting a grant, data use, or material transfer agreement related to this project?

This will necessitate that a new submission be created in PittPRO as only PittPRO STUDY numbers will be selectable in the grant system and MyRA.


What if I am finished with the project?

If you have finished the project, go the study workspace in OSIRIS and click on "Study Completed," displayed on the left side of the page under My Activities. If you take no action, it will be moved to an archived state after May 30th.

Who do I contact with questions?

Send questions or comments to and we will be happy to assist you.
